Tyler Florence & “Mom”
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Potato Latkes (Pancakes)

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Latkes are a traditional food for the Jewish holiday of Hanukah. Though not a holy day, Hanukah (also known as the Festival of Lights) celebrates religious freedom. This freedom was earned by a small, passionate & courageous group of Jewish men (the Maccabees), who defeated the Hellenist Syrian forces of Antiochus IV to restore religious freedom to the land of Judea. The Maccabees then purified and rededicated the holy Temple in Jerusalem and relit the Eternal Light which miraculously burned for eight days, when there was only enough refined oil available to burn for one. Fried food is typically eaten on Hanukkah in commemoration of this miracle. It is said that potato latkes were also the food of the Maccabees. Bonnie is joined in her kitchen by her Mother, Ida Mour, and the production team of “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” to prepare and enjoy this traditional dish.